Hauser Media Buying Services

Hauser Group has partnered with a 20 year plus media buying and list veteran in the direct mail community to provide e-mail and list brokerage services as well as database building to direct mailers, retailers, e-tailers and other targeted mailers.

Our commitment to service on the media buying and brokerage side of the business will be the same quality that we have provided on the tracking and security side of the business since 1991. Hauser will be on the cutting edge of the various other methods of promoting one's business in the online community.

Mailing List Brokerage

In a world where it has been very difficult to find new prospects and outside lists that work, Hauser will help new and experienced mailers find outside lists with proven performance that will help target more effectively and gain the highest ROI.

E-mail List Brokerage

With so many e-lists available in the marketplace today, it is becoming more difficult to dscern which lists work and best practices. Hauser, in it's online media buying will help find the best e-lists offering highest ROI for your future campaigns.

Online Presence

In the ever growing world of the internet, the number of channels and options available to companies can be overwhelming. Hauser can help narrow those options to the "best fit" for your company. Ask about the various programs that we are providing our clients today and find out about numerous low risk options to promote your company.